Believe me now?
Yesterday, Saturday, he participated in a toy run for our community. A local motor cycle shop collected toys and organized a run. It was coordinated with "Toys for Tots" and a local group, simply called, "Toys for children".
The shop owners began the sign up and collecting toys at about nine thirty in the morning and stayed out in the cold and the snow until the run started at one in the afternoon. They had donuts, coffee and hot chocolate for the people who donated and who participated in the run. They'd set up a little tent and had one small heater, but there was no stopping the cold dampness from seeping in. We were all cold.
Most of the bikers came early and
stood in the snow waiting for the ride. It was nearer one thirty before a local policeman led them for a short but very cold ride to the warehouse where the toys were being collected.
A couple young marines arrived shortly after Santa and the motorcycles. The local group had a light lunch of finger foods ready.
There was also a birthday cake for a local child who is confined to a wheel chair, and is the poster child for this year. It actually was his birthday. He had quite a party! He smiled through our singing and reached for his father's hand.
A cute little helper chose the tickets to award the door prizes. Santa and I each won something. His was a hooded sweatshirt donated by K & S Concrete, and mine was a t-shirt donated byK & S Concrete! And, they fit, which was a meant-to-be since the shirts were in a stack and were awarded off the top so each one just got the shirt that came next in the stack.
This is the owner of K & S Concrete. His company laid the concrete on which our camper is sitting. Much nicer than the muddy home it had at first.
There were several motorcycle clubs represented.
Pictured here are some of the toys in this warehouse, waiting to make many children happy in our area this Christmas.
These two were some of the hardy folks out in the snow for hours, and then taking a cold ride to be a part of the toy run.
The motorcycle shop's name is Custom Cycle and is located in the small town of Mosheim, Tennessee. The toys are for the less fortunate, except this Christmas!, children of our little piece of East Tennessee.
Santa had a wonderful time. He and I went to our favorite local restaurant on our way home. It was three in the afternoon by then, so not many people there. This meant more time for Santa to talk and tease the waitresses! Of course the entire staff of the restaurant was happy to see Santa. Several had to have their pictures taken with him.
(Sometimes I feel so left out! Sigh. ;-) )
The burgers, which are always great in this place were the thickest I've ever seen and more than delicious, and our plates were piled high with french fries. (There are some perks being Mrs. Santa.)
We were glad to be warm, enjoyed attention from the restaurant staff and were comfortably full, and Santa felt good to have added what he could to the toys for youngsters where we live. It was a nice beginning to the season.
Wonderful! I enjoyed reading about the event and seeing the pictures. Mr. & Mrs. Claus, you are fortunate. Now, come visit us; you don't have to bring toys.