Thursday, May 13, 2010

'Inequitable' is the word for today, May 13th, 2010


Today I thought I knew the meaning of the word chauvinistic, but I did not.  My thesaurus came up with bigoted, prejudiced and opinionated.  Not quite what I was thinking.  But, if you look up prejudiced you come to discriminatory and then to today's word, inequitable, which is the meaning I wanted for today's word. 

My son and his father-in-law are visiting us today.  They arrived last evening.  I had a meal planned but my husband preferred we go to a local ma and pa place, named 'Ma and Pa's'.  So, I put the thawed food back in the frig and went with them, only a little flustered. 

I have to confess here and now, when there was only one seasoned waitress and one newbie, and we had to wait, and wait, and wait, I wasn't as upset as they were.  We could have been eating at home by then.

Today for their noon meal I cooked the thawed meat.  After putting away all the breakfast food, which was all quick foods, cereal, toast, fruit and etc. I began preparing the food for lunch.  And, I put out a spread of food.  I pealed a dozen apples and fried them, had biscuits with butter and honey, corn on the cob (I grew and shucked and froze that corn), green beans, oven fried chicken breasts, iced tea and fresh coffee. 

In the mean time the men spent the morning shooting at targets, driving up to the top of our mountain to look around, playing on their laptop computers and watching old westerns on TV.  And, chatting on the front deck, except if I came outside to join them, then no one spoke unless I thought of something to say. 

They came when I called them and they ate the food.  They smacked, grunted a few times, and sat back satisfied.  The closest thing to a real compliment - 'OH!' when they sat down and 'num, um, um' as they ate.  And that was it.  I cleared off the table while they all found beds for naps.  I waited to put up the food until they got up, so I wouldn't disturb their rest.

See, what's that word again, inequitable, or unbalanced, or unequal!  It was expected that since I'm the female here today, I should cook, clean and be quiet.  Men!

Of course, if I hadn't been in the mood to cook for them, they would have asked me about lunch, waited around a bit and then probably threw a pizza in the oven.  No one would have worried about the meat spoiling or about  cleaning up.  I think my husband only helps me clean up if there's another female present and she doesn't help me.  He will and all the while he'll tell me how the other woman really is lazy.  Inequitable is the word.  And you know what, now they think women ought to do everything else as well, including go to war.  The whole world has gone crazy in my opinion.



  1. The world as we've known it has gone crazy anyway! You've spoiled your men, Janet! You've been a good, no GREAT, wife and mother, and these men have no other expectation of you.

    You're loved and appreciated, they just don't say it. We all need to learn to say it don't we?

  2. Yep, You're right Barbara. Of course I did exagerate a bit! :-)


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