Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thrift Store Shopping, Again!!

I love thrift store shopping, but if you have followed my blog you know that already.

Yesterday a friend and I went to a great thrift store, and it's basically just around the corner! We both had several items picked out in a matter of minutes. The thrift stores almost never take anything but cash, and being seasoned TS shoppers we actually knew that, but being over anxious to get into the shopping, we didn't think to take some.

We talked the clerks into making each of us a stash, promising we would be right back.  I believe it was our enthusiasm that convinced them.  We both had quite a pile for them to hold.

After a quick dash to the bank we were back.  I looked a few minutes more and found three more items, and paid for it so I could load it into my car.  When I came back in she was still busy in the half price clothes so I shopped a bit longer.  I bought several more items!
Two of the items I found on my return
trip and couldn't pass up were these tiny
elephants.  I used to collect elephants, of all
sizes and shapes and made from lots of varied
materials, but, it seemed time to stop.  My husband
and I are getting ready to down size.  Time to let go
of some hobbies, however, these little bitty elephants
were too much fun. And then, it occurred to me I
could still collect if I kept them all this small. 

(That was a happy realization!)

This unique tiny elephant on a thimble is
really tiny!  The thimble is normal sized,
the elephant is about 1/2" long and 1/4 " high.

The little elephant on wheels is about 2"
long and 1 1/2" tall.  He is made of
metal, not sure, but he may be pewter,
but whatever he's made of he is adorable.
We finally tore ourselves away from the thrift store.  My friend said, "Um, would you mind if we went to that antique store we saw behind the bank? I have a little time before I have to go to work."

It was music to my ears, so we headed on over.  The antique store was 'new' to that particular location.  The owner said she wasn't quite done unpacking.  After a few minutes of browsing we were wondering where she would put anything else and what she could have because it looked like she already had one of everything that had ever been!  It was a feast for the eyes.  So many beautiful old things to enjoy.  I found a couple of things for one of my children for Christmas and we each made ourselves a promise to return soon!

Wonder if God knew how much women would enjoy a bargain, and how pretty old nearly-worn-out-things would be to them?  I bet he didn't, not really, and the only thing he didn't know, just because he didn't think about it.  (Hum does God have a feminine side?)

(Of course you know I'm kidding; God knew, he made us the way we are to keep men paying attention.  And some men love bargains and old things too.) 



  1. Love the elephant on a thimble!

  2. Thank you Toyin. I did too and could not leave the little guy on the shelf at the store. Had to adopt him!

  3. I'm a big time thrift shopper to. You never know what kind of treasures you might find in a second hand store :-)


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