Monday, April 14, 2014

Random Thoughts

Just Looking at the First Photo on "Art*Ph0tography*Writing" Blog 

Remembering when I took it. My brother paid for me to tour the Biltmore Estate with him and his wife. 

And then he made fun of me for taking so many pictures! I did look a sight, carrying my big purse (not sure why I thought I needed it) and a sweater, and the rather large camera.

 Just the same, I'm glad I ignored him because I've always thought this picture is just plain old pretty. 

Maybe my Being Nosey Helped a Couple of College Students 

Two young women at Walmart were trying to get supplies for an art appreciation class. I butted in and explained the paints because they didn't have the right ones. 

They thanked me but they were ready to cry about how much everything was going to cost for only an 18 day class. I couldn't help them there, except I did suggest they share their supplies. 

When I left them they were looking at the supplies and each other. I bet they shared.

Tonight There is a Lunar Eclipse

This is exciting. They call it a blood moon. It begins her about 2:30 AM and is over about 5:30 AM, but we are forecast to have rain. So....not sure it will be worth trying to be awake.

Facebooking Today with Family and Friends - I Love it!

In the years I've been on Facebook I've found so many people that I would not be in touch with otherwise. It happens I have tons of cousins and many, many of them are my 'frinds' on Facebook. It is very nice to get to talk to them, and to know what's going on in their lives and be able to share things from my life with them too.

Besides my biological family, my church family is very well represented. We have lived in several places and now we can talk to our church brothers and sisters from all the places we lived. The other people are those we've met thru our jobs, other web sites and neighbors where we used to live and where we live now. May Facebook never go away. 

I love seeing the faces of all these folks, and pictures of their families. It's fun to see the other people's children as adults and then see their children, even though that makes me really feel old sometimes.

Today was very good for conversations. I enjoyed visits with some of those cousins and an old friend from church. Most days we exchange a comment or two, but today some of us had longer visits. It's all fun and heart warming/healthy!

Tomorrow is another day!
Good night all.
Janet Toney

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